I’m by no means a #feminist nor a #chauvinist ,and I’ve definitely given my share of bs to this universe😔but a large percentage of #women love to cry about finding #real , #love , #relationships #relationshipgoals men aint shit,#blah .. coming off as #angry #conceited #crazy sometimes, #overbearing #superficial #shallow ,confusing and contradicting in their actions and character. #honesty man🤦🏾♂️...🤷🏾♂️ hey a lot of these #men #boys #guys #dudes out here are #ridiculous #thirsty #disrespectful etc. but what are you gonna do.. but keep in mind that you have the power to #control what you accept from us🤔 #see further.. #communicate more ,those #possibilities 🤔 #writing #qoutes 💪🏾#words

Informative yet entertaining blogging,speaking your mind,sharing your thoughts,becoming more self aware should be the goal,you know,mind,body and soul elevation.My blog is merely a way to give anyone that wants to listen a different perspective on things.Be sure to get on my followers list for future blog posts and also hit those subscription buttons and stay active for opportunities to win great prizes as well
Sunday, December 30, 2018
Sunday, December 23, 2018
What’s Love But Feelings Of Feelings Of Things That..
I love it when;you look at me and smile that way,you put your hand on my arm near my shoulder if we cool like that,matter of fact the way you act cool,confident with who you are,take your time and in the moments,can be so complex,crazy,compassionate conscious,you can enjoy the simple things in life,we can talk to one another,share a real conversation taking in each other’s points of view,how selfish yet selfless you can be,your not afraid to be wrong,show your true feelings,learn,you’re being considerate of others,being honest and straight forward,you’re just in that moment,being spontaneous and carefree,simple,modest and humble,affectionate and attentive,you look me in the eyes when speaking,shake my hand firmly,kiss me like it’s your last.Don’t assume that everything that I say is about you,this isn’t a personal love poem, but a written love of people and things because most of all I love it when you can express yourself😍 Peace✌🏾 Love💙 Unity🤝 Respect ✊🏾🙏🏾
Tuesday, December 18, 2018
I want to take time to show gratitude to all who have visited my blog,likes to my Facebook pages,group members,Instagram post likes comments and followers as well. All I aim to do is awaken thoughts and add a different perspective,push communication while trying not to adhere to any labels in the process. Back on the subject of this post,while washing dishes this morning some stuff crossed my mind,and there were a few conversations between several people that led me to focus on the word entitlement,now the reason for that word is the fact that so many of us walk around with the mentality that I’m entitled,I use to feel that way until I took a step back and reviewed myself and what effect that thought process had on others and let me tell you that was a wake up call. This world belongs to no one,we are all tourists here,and all these beautiful simple things are all gifts which we’re overlooking but blessed to be a part of. So entitlement ;I use to get pissed when someone wouldn’t agree with me,if I felt that it was something that I deserved,when I didn’t get my way,but truthfully man that was all bs,everyone has a situation,a past,a future, and everyone has problems,everyone is just trying to figure it all out just like you,words in regards to your feelings should be chosen carefully because they do have an effect on an outcome. While you think that you’re right,there’s a whole other side to that,and bonds get broken,people lose sight of what’s important,time gets lost,wasted,and know that there are some things that you just can’t come back from,some things are not replaceable,and all for what a lack of honesty,lack of communication,the inability to see past insignificant things,the world does not revolve around anyone,but the spectacular now is what should be important. Why the hell you trying to prove yourself to someone who just sees you for you, and if that’s not the case move that negativity out,the universe will unfold something greater,but only if you open up to the possibilities. Reality is real and so if life,and we only get one here until I’m proven otherwise,so I hope that if you’re one stuck on yourself that you recognize,realize and react accordingly
Sunday, December 16, 2018
Depression Is Real, & My Heart Goes Out..
I was reading a story this morning concerning a guy from #saturdaynightlive which led to this post, #depression is real,there are a lot of dynamics to it as well,my #heart goes out to anyone dealing with issues pertaining to... ,#fighting getting help trying to self medicate themselves,#afraid of others opinions of you,I’m very critical of myself so I don’t need it from anyone else!!!,I #hate to get negative,but screw those insensitive, #ignorant assholes that #encourage #negativity in the issue,when you’re clearly in need of embrace and #understanding. Most of all find your ✌🏾Peace , 💙 #Love hard ,there’s strength in 🤝 #Unity and please #Respect others situations👌🏾 #meditation #inspiration 🧘♂️🧘♀️ I understand,its extremely hard,you can get through this 😍
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Instagram shoutouts , Facebook ads,posts, instagram followers, bio link rental,website traffic, blog ad space available. Looking to gain followers, website visitors,a place to advertise ? contact me for options
Friday, December 14, 2018
Casual Encounters Anywhere Facebook Group
We live in a world 🌎 time🕰 where everyone views everything in a one ☝🏾 track frame of mind,less communication and openness to experience,when the concept changes the possibilities become infinite. Let’s meet,connect,communicate and explore the possibilities👌🏾🤷🏾♂️🤔😍ALL #cities #states #location #nationalities #races #genders #man #women #unitedstates #join my #Facebook #group 👉🏾👇🏾🚻 CasualEncountersAnywhere🚻💙🙏🏾💙🙏🏾
Monday, December 10, 2018
Feeling Some Kind Of Way???Well, Don’t let your feelings..
- Get you hurt
- Make you lose money
- Push hasty and dumb choices
- Burn bridges
- Create missed opportunities
- Miss out on experiences
- Mess up a good thing
- Keep you from your blessings
- Take control of who you are
- Keep you from being successful
- Hinder your positivity
- Encourage negativity energy
- Invoke stupidity
- Stop you from living your best life
Sunday, December 9, 2018
Living, Laughing, Loving, Karma & Accountability
Sunday, November 4, 2018
Come On Man!!! Yes Sad But True; But What Stereotype? & Uber Eats Did What
Nah nah nah...so I’m about to say some 💩 that probably won’t sit right with some,but black people ridiculous asf sometimes man.. true story, I was making an #ubereats delivery right and some #pathetic ass dude decides that he didn’t want to pay for a #cheap ass 5 wing meal so he calls in and claims that his meal never was delivered #smdh you sad ass mf🤨 #damn ...can you say #petty & #ubereats can really suck sometimes🤦🏾♂️ #smdh #ghetto #black #stupid #ignorant #crab #damn #free can you say something for nothing #ratchet
Saturday, October 6, 2018
A Male & Female Thing🚻
#Destruction is the fkd up notion that it’s about wasting time chasing the fallacy that women have to be better than men and vice versa,diminishing the aspect of love,narrowing the lines of communication lessening the chances of connecting,building relationships and opening the doors to all of the twisted shit show that society’s becoming today🤨🤔👉🏾It’s not a male or female thing,it’s a male and female thing🚻🤔 P.L.U.R. 🗣#peace #love #unity #respect #openyoureyes 👀 #see #inspiration #mood #motivation #men #women #male #female #relationshipgoals #writing #memes #quotes #insta #listen👂🏾
Thursday, October 4, 2018
Ruffled Feathers 🤔
#thisisamerica 🤷🏾♂️🤔 come on now, it’s extremely hard to see reason when you’re blind to everything but your logic or anything that supports it 🤨🤔#idgaf about ruffling feathers on anyoccasion,I love opinions and people not afraid to express them,but the poor attempts at one up tactics,spite,ill will,these are just a couple of things that plague my race,& humanity as well,don’t fear the next mans success,if you’re the one so afraid that he or she will have something that you’d rather chop your own fkn hand off rather than see that happen you’re sad asf really,your mouth,mind and heart have to all work as one🤔 we are ALL selfish people by nature,but it’s the ability to incorporate balance that differentiate us. Seeking validation is what keeps the mass majority of us from being unique🤔nothing is above or beyond you,that includes the possibilities,the people that we choose to lead us,the chains that we choose to shackle our minds with. Each one teach one,I would never claim to be smarter than you,a conscious mind,a ignorant mind,I keep an open mind,so share something thoughtful,insightful,interesting, inspiring and I’m going to respect it,share it,like it no bias,I mean if it makes sense it makes sense 👀👂🏾🤲🏾💙👍🏾🗣 P.L.U.R. 👉🏾#Peace #Love #Unity #Respect #inspiration #humanity #share #interesting #thoughts #success #writing #quotes #motivation #teach the real will always recognize real 💯 #nofilter
Wednesday, October 3, 2018
Sweat, But Don’t Sweat It
This 💩 is definitely insane😓😁but no #grind no #results I guess,not as #focused as I should be because I still have my #guilty #pleasures😍but I’m slowly #working towards my #goal #realistically and with no #boosters and #shortcut either,but for everyone #struggling and #stressed over #losingweight I say just #chill and let time and moderation be your #guide,and to forget about all the #impossible #measurements pressed by all the claims posted on a regular. #Health goals should surround your own #life and personal needs,everything else is just guidelines,I have a few things that I do on a regular to help,trying out this new #bellyfat reducer mixture we’ll see how that works out which I’ll share in my #fasting,drink,#workout,#detox, #results update post soon. #fitness is universal do you as long as you’re making an effort👍🏾💪🏾#sweat but don’t sweat it
Relationship Goals🤔
Yeah So; me myself I adore them real,solid and grown & sexy relationshipgoals,growing old together,taking spontaneous random trips together,cuddling by a fireplace watching your favorite movie,hustling your way to the top together💸 idk.. just my mind going🚻 Anyhew,I don’t mean that fallacy bs either but them 💯 from the heart 🔐 fully emotional adorable relationship goals. I’d love to hear yours so please share,because we all know that sharing is caring right 🤷🏾♂️😍 #relationshipgoals #love #together #sharingiscaring #adorable #heart #emotional #romantic #sexy #trip #getaway #comment
Monday, October 1, 2018
Race, Equality, Humanity, Sexuality,Segregation, Sexual Harassment
Hopelessly divided,everything is either strategically designed to segregate on some level or another,guilty or not,and this goes for everyone going through the unleveled system for alleged crimes,every single incident revolves around money,race,social status,perception and personal experiences and feelings,and where does God fit into all of that;rhetorical or course,but seems in every high profile incident that arrives everyone can seem to throw their hateful opinions and thoughts in the ring suddenly assuming they’re righteous enough to do so,I have no clue what happened in Bill Cosby’s personal life except what is portrayed in public media so.. but I will say that with every big craze that steps to the forefront such as past things like slavery,black lives matter,the holicost,transgender and gay equality,and now the sexual harassment movement, when they touch media they trend,no discredit to what’s real,but the smoke can definitely cloud that,the overall human race are vulnerable vultures so to speak,products of our environment,and we see what we want to see and react unjustly majority of the time as well as a very large percentage of us are opportunistic. I’ve been on both sides of the coin and I’ll go on to say everything isn’t cut and dry, I was targeted for sexual harassment and never did anything wrong,but all was needed to be said was that this lady felt uncomfortable with something that I said and I lost my job because of it,I’ve been in a situation as a kid where I experienced inappropriate sexual behavior,I have a mixed child,I’m a black man that has been through racism first hand and also unjust issues as well so...but none of this defines who I am nor how I treat others
Monday, September 24, 2018
Just Do Wtfever You Want To Do
Man look here,black,brown,yellow,green, purple,red etc. #corporate hounds been controlling this shit and it ain’t about to #change no time soon,new day,new #issue,#revolution is revolution as long as it’s #controlled,now what is that? but a movement is a #movement even if it is just a shit😏 #controversial bs equals attention and revenue in the right #circumstances,yeah so; #burn shit,#protest shit,talk yourself to sleep 😴 then wake up,thankgod for giving you another day,lace up your #nike,or set them on 🔥 and onwards to the next #sociallyacceptable #redundant issue. To know It’s all about #peace #love #unity #respect & the money is extra be #extraordinary greed has no #consciousnesses. In case it’s not #apparent in this world its all about #perception
Saturday, September 1, 2018
A Healthy Life And Weight Loss Goals
Too much salt in your diet?🤷🏾♂️🤷🏾♂️ not sure if you’re already aware of this,but just thought I’d share this information as I learn more from experience myself. I was just doing some research on better weight loss or how to improve my weight loss struggle and ran into some things that I wasn’t aware of. The amount of salt that you incorporate into your daily diet not only has effect on your health,(#highbloodpressure),but also can disrupt your efforts to lose weight🤨🤦🏾♂️🤔 retaining water,bloating are just some results of a high #salt #diet,sadly it’s very easy to over do seeing as how that sneaky little aspect is easily overlooked most of the time when buying foods,eating at #restaurants and even efforts to #eathealthy as well. Know what you’re eating.. it’s good to check labels and #nutrition information when it comes to what’s going into your body. I was always under the impression that if I only ate so much,watched what I was eating for the most part that I was good,but nope😔,there’s more to it than that, I’m starting to understand why the #vegan lifestyle is attractive to so many people nowadays it really eliminates a lot of the nasty #toxins including too much #sodium that we consume unknowingly even when we think that we are #eating better than most.Remember that everything is a process,takes time,and an #openmind is an #aware mind,good #information is key to your #weightloss #success. Just something to think about or possibly help,#trialanderror 💪🏾🧠💪🏾🚶🏾♂️👌🏾👊🏾 #intermittentfasting, #fasting adjustments in #attitude as well as # habits,but #honestly the more that you know the more #successful you’ll be
Thursday, July 26, 2018
Believe What You Want, But Sh** Just Got Real😯😏
Yeah So, let me get this straight; #hope is hope, #faith is faith, #reality is the act of being #realistic, but no situation is ever really #predictable,no one is ever really predictable either,you can never fully be prepared for everything,every situation,so you should never get too #comfortable with that notion,nothing is ever really #complicated 🙄🤨 stop trying to #categorize people,put #labels on 💩like it’s jars of jelly or some💩 life keeps twists and turns🌪 so you should at least expect the #unexpected when you #pray to these humans like #gods then they let you down because they are not as #perfect as you perceived what’s your next move😡😧😔 cut it out already. We tend to get what we deserve for only seeing what we want to see👀 you know what they say about looks.. #lookscanbedeceiving , everyone has secrets 😲no they don’t..😒 you #psychic you 😏 anyhew,we believe what we wanna no matter how far fetched it may be🤔 #notperfect #perception
Tuesday, July 17, 2018
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Monday, July 16, 2018
Addicted To You/Love And Drugs
If there is a such thang as love,them I’m try to be hooked on you,oh what a feeling,I can’t express it,explain it,baby you’re so sexy,not in the traditional sense,no baby...it’s way more than that,I go to sleep,wake up,as matter of fact can’t sleep,thoughts up,because I’m in need,addicted to you,and you don’t really have to do nothing,deeply,deeper,drifting away,dreaming away,what is this,whatever it is I can’t seem to get enough,and I’m not ashamed to admit that if love were a drug then you’d be it. 💌💊💙💉 #love #drugs #addme #addicted #addictedtoyou #poem
Thursday, July 12, 2018
Dating Apps, Internet Dating
Damn!,Damn!,Damn!...In the days of swiping left,swiping right what do you expect; dating has always been somewhat complicated,but gets even harder when parties involved are reluctant to remain open to the possibilities,see past our desires or comfort zones to somewhat achieve desired results.You already know this,but I’ll reiterate that If you keep seeking out the same ole bs that’s what you’re going to get,and glutton for punishment you can’t get upset at the outcome. What’s this “I can’t seem to find a real man”👀😂,”Are there any guys out there actually looking for a #seriousrelationship on these apps”🤨etc. etc. blah blah blah,yet you find yourself steadily logging on🤔,but who else actually gets it🤷🏾♂️🤦🏾♂️ shits like putting a quarter in one of those little prize machines,you get wtf you get and hope something good comes out👌🏾#rediculous #internetdating #swipeleft #swiperight #dissconected
Friday, June 29, 2018
SEO Service, Website Traffic,Search Engine Submission, Social Bookmarking
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Sunday, June 24, 2018
Message In A Bottle
🤔Damn she knows that she cold as hell with it;you don’t have to do me like that;do it like ooh you know that’s that girl;we both habit missing on that ego tripping;but the love goes way back like long distance,you feel me,I feel you,this silly what we gonna do,you in yours, I’m in mine,do I ever cross your mind,cause you do;ha,and I hope this finds its way to you;ha,and I hope it doesn’t get lost in transition,or lost in translation,my message in this bottle🤔💙💌
Monday, June 11, 2018
A Mans World, A Woman’s Worth
Women quit selling yourself short then getting pissed that you get labels,perceptions,and negative treatment. I’m curious;is that the reason that the majority of women walk around all prematurely defensive,cocky,insecure,overbearingly confident🤷🏾♂️Okay sure,only god can judge you right;but the power that you possess to control that situation is undeniable,forgiveness and justification only becomes an option or need once there is a reason for that,avoiding that element eliminates that need
Sunday, June 10, 2018
Tip Of The Iceberg
The power is in people,in case you didn’t see or recognize that,subliminal messages,deferring tactics,media programming,I agree with Kanye West on one thing,because man slavery is a choice at this point in time,and just because we come from slum bs,ignorant generational traditions don’t necessarily mean that hat we have to adhere to that self destructive culture or behavior. The desire to be in demand,losing self respect to gain public approval or appeal,men acting like women,women acting like men,the undercover brotha syndrome,genocide for popularity🤔 how can I say that I embrace my race if I’m willing to senselessly kill one of my own nationality,humiliate anyone just to gain the respect of people who thrive on turmoil,thrive on controversy,I’m well aware that shit that makes people think will not be what’s up,but who gives a fk though;it’s easy to say what’s popular or people want to hear,its easy to use excuses to hurt people rather than to uplift them,it’s easier to take a short destructive trip rather than a long successful journey. Not all pictures will be painted pretty,some are abstract and take a little more time to see the bigger...
Wednesday, June 6, 2018
Name Drops
Monday, May 28, 2018
💙Love ✌🏾 Peace 😌Positivity 🧘🏾♂️Good Vibes ❌⭕️Hugs And Kisses❌⭕️
I was just sitting here thinking,and thought I’d share some of my ways to preserve mental stability,sanity,thought span,a healthy mind,a healthy body,a healthy life.One way is to make sound choices,arguments are toxic in my book,fighting,knowing when to,from what to wear,eat,daily routines limit overthinking and mental stress as well limiting the extras,if you’re going out of your way to whatever chances are it’s probably not needed or excessive.Expand your eating range,smaller meals spaced out,now you don’t have to go healthy crazy,easing up on the fast food,the ease of fast food access literally can control your mind,we know it’s not good for us,but the thought of being able to grab and go overrides sensibility,there are better choices and options that won’t kill you on time and effort with just a little bit of preplanning,what we put in our bodies does affect how it functions. Going easy on the alcohol,a hard one for me,but goes without saying the health benefits.Protecting your mind,the things that you hear and choose to let inside of your head,take your focus will do exactly that,there’s no point in wasting brain energy on things that can’t be controlled,avoided or prevented right?Stretch,stretching maybe 10 minutes a day,this relaxes you,gets the blood flowing and also keeps the body more limber as well.Reading,I’m not saying go full on bookworm,but a chapter,a paragraph,something simple to keep the mind exercising on some level definitely makes a difference.Lemon water,although simple you’d be surprised of the benefits this little tweak possesses.Sex,yes sexual contact,stimulation is an important part as well,a release can work wonders on your overall mental mindset,lessening tension,exercise and I myself tend to be a lot more focused as a result.Communication, conversation,connecting with others positively is very healthy. Our everyday lives will always be filled with choices so common sense in choosing wisely.Maybe this will be helpful,I’ll end this one with saying see things for what they are,not what you wish they were or want you want them to be
Saturday, May 26, 2018
Written In Stone
every since I was a little boy I always knew that I was meant for some purpose;always going my own way,always doing things different,seeing things differently than the rest of my peers,family,friends or what have you. Growing up,I relocated a lot,& I mean a lot of back and forth,different experiences,schools,friends,neighborhoods, you don’t know until you know;adjusting;that’s what it was all about,fitting in,from the streets of Charleston MS,those cold streets of Chicago and a few places in between,shots out to Michigan, Tennessee,Atlanta,New York...from those grimy project hallways to those dusty dirt roads,slanging from the matchbox to stickup licks to come up,those who’ve lived it get it,there’s a method to my madness,my pain really exists and not through something that I’ve seen on tv,but through the reality that lays deep inside of me,so yeah I can speak,is it fair as a child to be prayed upon,not understanding,innocence stripped away,there is no replay man,we can’t hide from who we are,where we’ve been or what we’ve been through,but if I never said a word would you know,matter of fact do you care; my world has forced me to feel like I really don’t give a shit either way,if I have something to say I’m going to get it off,we cry and turn to destructive ways to hide the hurt and sit comfortably behind justifications,but at the end of the day we can’t hide from ourselves. Shit hurts;my heart has been stitched up many times,and I value pain because it’s real. I’ve lost parts of me literally that I can never get back,missed opportunities,yes I’ve met and sat next to stars,big time influential people,but what does that mean?I have met some beautiful people,people who’ve taught me things,helped me along the way,and who will always be apart of me,if only you could have been there;through the hard times,the confusion,seeing things through my eyes,from the shows,the parties,the late night studio sessions,the gun play,the jail time,the shopping sprees,the time that I first held my daughter in my arms,the hood fights,the times when I needed you the most,it was never fun watching mom struggle once pops left,it was never fun falling into the same bs that seems to plague the young ethnic population,it wasn’t fun seeing those blood stains on the concrete, so excuse me if my mentality is that most people are constantly on bs,fk status quo,and you can fight with yourself,my character is consistently unorthodox and that tombstone shit,my life’s work is to at some point have life’s worth
Wednesday, May 16, 2018
It Is What It Is
Why should I inhibit myself because of your perception of me or the way that life should be. Fk your thoughts when they involve hindering or distorting my journeys path,my life success,me being myself. Fk your feelings when they don’t involve me, I mean if they don’t include sensitivity towards mine as well,acknowledgement that regardless of however you’re feeling that doesn’t cloud sound judgement as far as I’m concerned;it’s okay to be selfish,especially when the world is so damn self absorbed, I guess I can appreciate the selflessness in you, but it’s only when it’s on the board?🤔 personally I think personality flaws are universal so..I say this nonjudgmental,none bias,so open minded right now, so self aware,free from dictatorship,hastily firing blind shots in the wrong direction,seeking misguided guidance could never be me;accountability.. bridges are not always burned,some just get old and can’t be crossed unless repaired if at all possible.
Tuesday, May 15, 2018
This Is America
Anyone who follows my mind knows that I could give a sh** less about a bunch of this bs considered in demand or popular,I’m not a big fan of representing or uplifting baseless social media hype either,but #DonaldGlover has gotten my attention on some of his work,that #ThisIsAmerica joint is deep,a lot of people won’t get it because as I’ve said before a lot of people lack the capacity or capability. We are quick to jump on status quo;turn a light on and you begin to see a lot of things that the dark hides,but even then is it understanding or just trending;in a matter of time it’s always been on to the next popular thing
Monday, May 14, 2018
Sex Your Mind
Sunday, May 13, 2018
This Mothers Day
I’m going to start this post by saying I have the upmost respect and admiration for all the dedicated mothers taking care of their business. I mean through the fire,to the limits and to the wall . It takes more than spreading your legs and getting pregnant to be a real mother,and the real mothers know that. Lashonda you have my heart for life for giving me two beautiful kids that I wouldn’t trade the world for,the complicated role that you’ve played in my life as the mother of my children and for the hard work that you’ve put in into raising them as well.Yeah so;while I’d love to take my mommy out to breakfast today that’s not what she wanted so I decided to do the next best thing and prepare her something special for breakfast,then she wants lobsters tails,crab legs,shrimp,baked spaghetti and fried catfish for dinner so.. and maybe we’ll catch a movie . I’m sure she knows that she’s extra special to me but it doesn’t hurt to put it out there,while we’ve had our problems nothing can ever take the place of this special lady and my life would never be the same without her. So to my mommy Sarah,her mother and my grandma Mary,my bestie for life,my sister Dorlisa even though you’re not here anymore Happy Mother’s Day
Wednesday, May 2, 2018
Dreaming Away-Drifting Away
Dreaming away,drifting away,but I’m awake,I’d like to be,want to be more attentive to some of the more asinine shit,but you know;yea though I walk through the valley of the shadows of death I can’t fear the evil;the dwellers,the hill makers,can’t let the negativity contain me,take ahold of my soul hinder me from enlightenment my journey is just that so negative bs fall back
Sunday, April 29, 2018
The Nighttime
Thursday, April 26, 2018
Wednesday, April 25, 2018
Fetishized Sadness
I Can’t Tell
I Can’t Tell;you’ll never know unless you try,you’ve never actually lived if you’re afraid to die,to truly know me is to love me,but to hate me is to not understand me,my biggest fear is not accomplishing enough while I’m here,my biggest flaw is not doing all that I can to make that happen. Yeah so;does any of this really matter in the grand scheme of things,I mean on my path,my journey,my final destination;I know,but I’m not sorry,but I gotta keep thinking ambition, honesty, and positive attitude while remaining humble,I’m no psychic,there’s already a destiny,but I can’t tell
Sunday, April 22, 2018
Reoccurring Life Events
🙏🏾Reoccurring instances in life;moments which we relive periodically for whatever reason.Playing videos on YouTube and ran across this song;this song;I remember listening to this song just before finding out that my sis,my best friend had passed away not long after finding out that she had cancer,at one point we were sitting and talking before she actually found out that it was actually cancer she asked me for a hug and I laughed it off and told her that she was going to be okay,if I had any notion that things were going to end so abruptly I would have hugged her tight and never let go,I never prayed like I prayed that she would recover,still brings me to tears,but this is no pity party post though,we’ve all lost loved ones,have a story to tell,some tragic,painful,this is but a percentage or chapter of my book,but this is about remembrance of our loved ones that suffered untimely deaths;feel free to leave a comment about someone who you may want to pay tribute to
Wednesday, April 18, 2018
Health Awareness; Healthy Living, A Healthier Life, Checking In With Yourself
Monday, April 16, 2018
Oops, Did I Do That..
Emotional Support
Saturday, April 14, 2018
It Is What It Is..
Sometimes real shit be hard to swallow, but all I’m saying is your real people is your real people,I’m into the least amount of complication,if I deal with you then I deal with you,the type to keep up bs,you be on the garbage , playing those games , wrapped up in yo shit thinking that everybody else out here don’t have issues or they own shit going on,sometimes time is all you have to offer,and even that’s limited,must be hard living in a world of only one,solid is solid and they come to the show when it’s selling out,but when you just coming with yourself you’ll see where everything stands then🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
Thats Just Too Much Man...
Personas are exhausting,fighting never ending battles are exhausting,trying to over talk a talker is exhausting,I’m just thinking of running a race that never ends.. if I let someone feel like they’ve “won” will I have peace of mind;on another page,shit man I’m tired of these females out here thinking that they got the ability,the right to have these above all snotty ass diva mentalities just because some thirsty ass lame dude keeps filling their heads with fake words of admiration to get in;head all above the clouds and shit,I mean I got enough issues of my own to worry about,my own ego complications that I need to fix myself and don’t have the time to be babysitting nobody else’s kids or they feelings, setbacks,hangups or flaws;I mean it’s overwhelming,and quite frankly I just don’t have the emotional capacity nor the patience to take on that kind of responsibility;that’s just too much man...
Wednesday, April 11, 2018
Who The Fk Are You?!?!?!
The Fall Back
The Fall Back: You my fall back,my plan b,my something to do when I’m bored,lonely,in need of somebody to talk to or have nothing to do, I call on you;you’ll see my passion for realism knows no bounds,but honestly,you probably do the same thing to me so fall back
Saturday, April 7, 2018
Yeah So; you really think that you’re shit don’t stink???
Friday, April 6, 2018
Illuminati, Illuminotme;Propaganda, Protocols , People, Power
I’m going to start this post off by quoting something from 2pac and that’s “only the real people know this some of the realist stuff that I ever wrote” so there really is never any protocol for most of the stuff that I write,just to make you think I guess;many of us are constantly looking,seeking a source for enlightenment,knowledge,answers to what we think we cannot understand,reasons for everything. We look to leaders for guidance,dwell on the insufficient,and chase the superficial. I’m here to say today that most of this if not all is bullshit!;there are infinite options on everything from A to Z so tell me how the hell can you place merit on any specific one; everyone and everything has a process or protocol once again that’s from A to Z,control is a very strong and powerful word,currency,policy,law,you really think that you need someone or something to decide who you are,what you are,how you should live and so on?the mind controls everything about you;your will,your way. Leaders;president who? man don’t get me wrong respect is a given to me so I will not disrespect another persons being,until I’m disrespected and even then there’s a protocol for that,but acknowledgement is earned,I don’t care who you are;and pardon me but fk your heritage or lineage when it concerns the fate and well being of a mass majority of people,a black president means nothing personally if my life doesn’t change,everything is social man;this is all entertainment on some level,there has been and continue to be a system,protocol if you will for everything,nothing happens for no reason,the *leverage* sees to that. Racism is one of the stupidest things I’ve ever had the displeasure of seeing,one human being fighting against another because of their differences in appearance,that’s some of the most pathetic crap ever. Gay this,gay that,men becoming women,women becoming men,ok so when did we get to the point where we became Gods?the word ego;back to the word control;instead of value we seek devalue,destruction of life,humanity,why is that not so important,destroying the structure of our being,choices being made by people who could give a shit less about anything other than personal interest and agendas and no regard to life if you don’t fit protocol.Oh,and this Illuminati bs; please shut the fk up already! Why try to blow up something so insufficient;if someone is that stupid to put themselves into such a ridiculous situation then that’s on that dumb ass.Distracted by this cesspool of false empowerment,seeking self worth in making fools of ourselves. To be a hypocrite means to clearly say one thing then to do the total opposite. I’m the same person everyday,sometimes harsh,sometimes rude,sometimes indecisive,sometimes cynical, sometimes sarcastic,but consistent,you know who I am,but that’s the point,be who you are,we don’t need another hero,just more people willing to change the status quo
Tuesday, April 3, 2018
Sad Songs;A Underdogs View 😢😏🎻
The underdog;a word that I’m very familiar with. The ones who despite their efforts seem to fall short,you know,get looked over for that promotion,someone stealing your thunder,thoughts or ideas,missing that big break,negative forces trying to hold you back etc. Now a lot of you won’t associate yourself with that word because of your egos or feelings of inadequacy,but me I really don’t care; but seriously no one wants to claim that title, but despite that we all had to start somewhere,well not all of us,there are exceptions to that. You don’t understand me;you don’t respect what I have to say;well it’s probably because you can’t relate to reality,realistically challenged,I don’t need to fit in,or validation to speak my mind,but I’ll admit it does feel good when my words hit marks,but seriously though that’s why I stepped out of that line,I speak for the ones who get tired of the pretentious pretenders,they get it. Honestly it gets tiresome sometimes,but I’d rather push on with the notion that my day is coming than just give up,following and existing. Of course most won’t push these words because they are not status quo,but surprisingly to most that won’t these words probably have the most significance towards.We can’t all have it all,but we can damn sure break the cycle of trying to break each other down and put forth effort and try. If I don’t do anything,I’d love to be remembered for something,you get my dilemma 🤨🤔
Monday, April 2, 2018
The Search, The Casual Encounters, & Meeting Someone
Please,don’t make this weird;we’re both here looking,searching for that something;that something which completes us,intrigues is,holds our attention,meets our expectations realistic or not,casual conversation,connections which eventually leads to physical encounters,experiences,moments which may or may not lead to something substantial,rolling those dice,being honest and forthcoming in your endeavors of the heart,we ALL need affection,someone to communicate with,though our opinions and preferences may differ there’s always tact,the act of being respectful. So many people,options,characteristics;keep to those values,but also keep an open mind,staying open the possibilities,the clocks always ticking,but your quality of life depends on how you choose to live,because no matter how,who or what you encounter,your happiness solely depends upon your choices🚻XOXO
Friday, March 30, 2018
To My Audience..
Woke Up Like This
Tuesday, March 27, 2018
Respect; Giving It To Get It
- Ok so I want to touch on the word respect;so many times I’ve heard the words you have to give it to get it. Too many instances I’ve seen regarding this matter,flipping off at the mouth,bruised egos,not enough mental capacity to understand the dynamics of a situation. Now some things should be self explanatory,but again if common sense is lacking well.. I’ve always made it a bet to give respect until I’m disrespected,and even then I’ll handle those situations with tact,there’s a sensible way of doing everything,it’s whether you choose to or not. My elders automatically get respect even the shitty ones just a different aspect of,my parents also,I honor that shit. Today we tend to get weakness mixed up in the definition of respect,consider me weak if you want to,just don’t get it wrong if you catch my drift. There are plenty of people that have dug their way from the trenches,put in work,fought so that my path was clearer,and made great achievements which spark my and many others motivation so it doesn’t take a genius to get that that deserves some level of respect regardless. Get it? I hope so,respect✌🏾
The Secrets That You Keep
Mr Clout Chaser
All of this clout chasing,trolling,sneak dissing,leg grabbing,neck biting,thirsty,desperate,genocide,racist,gorilla,low self esteem,mentally challenged antics need to ✋🏾✋🏾✋🏾 don’t be idiots;didn’t your parents teach you better???
Sunday, March 25, 2018
Its Not Cool Anymore;To Trend Or Not To Trend..
When do you loose all your cool points???at what age should you hang up chasing trends,your verbal approach,etc.. Many people feel that after you hit a certain age that style no longer exists,you’re no longer cool,but my opinion is do what works for you,there’s a way to do everything,style never gets old,clothes nor accessories never make the man,it should be vice versa. Some stuff is just ridiculous and self evident or explanatory though,when you know better then you should do better,but that said don’t loose sight of who you are from fear of being yourself. Looking back on some of the stuff that I thought was cool I can’t do anything but “smdh”😏
Younger Older, Older Younger; The Age Gap
Music,Melodies,Media,Mindfulness,Murder,Madness, Money
This shit is gorilla!..I mean what the hell is going on?!?! Seriously,we’ve all done stupid shit in our lives,said stupid stuff as well,but come on man there has to be a cut off point somewhere;Who said just because something fly’s that it’s justified🤷🏾♂️embracing bullshit doesn’t create value,but it does say something about the ones that choose to participate or engage in the Neanderthal antics,rhetoric; It’s crazy out here now,or maybe it’s just that I’m seeing things differently than I use to,I don’t know;I use to look around and laugh at all the things that I use to see,but can’t anymore,this shit isn’t funny in any way,it’s sad to see how things are,how people act towards each other,what are we fighting to achieve?self worth?,dignity?,respect?,the notion of being popular,likability,famous,socially acceptable,because let me say this;if it involves hurting the ones you care about,disgracing yourself or others,senseless violence,what’s the motive?,what’s your gain?,times are forever changing and so will the things around you. It’s easy to pointlessly kill or hurt someone,take the easy way by giving in to status quo,but it’s difficult to find a positive way,way to succeed,way to express yourself,your views,way to get it*. We are not animals man!,but truly victims of our own selfish self inflicted egotistical destructive ass behavior. It’s not enough to latch on like a crab in a barrel,tear down others in order to build yourself up,disregard consciousness in our efforts to maintain,”make it”becoming financially stable shouldn’t be a death sentence,and neither does it have to be,our character defines us;our upbringing molds us;our mindset can either make us or break us,but our actions speak for themselves. Money truly does make the world go round,maybe not the root of all evil,but it does play it’s part very well.
Wednesday, March 21, 2018
I mean come on... Driving Woes
- Slow the hell down people!!! Riding cars asses,excessive use of your horns,the forcing yourself into traffic via the ending lane routine..take your anxiety medication!!!turn on some easy listening radio,do some deep breathing for Pete sake. Saving a very small amount of time really isn’t not worth the risk,tickets,accidents,besides show a little consideration for others on the roads,what are you saving,a few minutes at the most, come on just leave a few minutes earlier. Wrecklessly Weaving through traffic,excessively speeding only to get stopped at the next red light;geese!..really...
Tuesday, March 20, 2018
See me.. Please pay attention
Thursday, March 15, 2018
Expectations And Disappointments
- One rule comes to mind when I decided to share this post,expecting leads to disappointment;overlooking guaranteed things for possibilities and maybes. We will always be selfish no matter what,seeing what the mind wants us to,and acting on those views as well. I’m no stranger to living this way,but lately try to keep an open mind to just about everything trying not to miss out on as much as possible.No hang ups,I’m not fixated on too much of anything anymore,whatever happens happens there’s no rules or stipulations to this because seeing the good things involves trust,honesty,opening up and actually stepping outside of ones comfort zone.
Wednesday, March 14, 2018
Moral Actions
Way too many bosses,way too many posers,way too many bullies,way too many sleazes,way too much counterfeiting,way too much under play,way too many pretenders,way too much pretentious bs,get that hate out of your mind and heart,fear of being hurt or duped blocking your ability to show affection or compassion,avoiding vulnerability,egos embracing false senses of security,personality illusionist, communication is also listening as well as sharing your thoughts,feelings and point of view. I just wish there wasn’t so much shit standing in the way of...
Tuesday, March 13, 2018
Solid Sentiment
I See You
Saturday, March 10, 2018
Missing Your Mark
We could never all be the same,equal,physically,mentally nor characteristically so I look for success in my shortcomings;have you ever asked yourself the question;what’s wrong with me???when did this stop being enough,I’m talking no fillers,no gimmicks,sometimes it’s all you’ve got so becoming familiar with who you really are can be helpful,but in a world full of eyes seeking beyond what they can see does this have significance? I’ll part with this place has an abundance of opportunity,but what you consider opportunity plays an important role in how and if you seize them and the quality of life you will have as well. What a shame to miss out on *it* by not recognizing or overlooking what *it* is
Thursday, March 8, 2018
No Disrespect Intended
Tuesday, March 6, 2018
Erotic, Eclectic, Thoughts Of Desire
Love at first sight huh;Seeking impressive;feeling a bit impersonal all around me;why is impersonating so common;how impractical was that;come on,is it really that important;I do believe first impressions are sometimes overrated,but chemistry,now that’s a different story all together. Some of the most extraordinary things are often overlooked,experiences missed seeking practical,I don’t want practical,yes unpredictable,yes unorthodox,yes passionate,yes sensual sapieosexual,yes uninhibited,I desire perfectly imperfect for me
Sunday, March 4, 2018
I Want You To Want Me
Friday, March 2, 2018
Who Are You???
People tend to surprise me at times,even though I’m a realist so seeing things for what they are is kinda my way.You know I don’t know if I’ve heard this somewhere before or what,but you have to live your life like you’re the star of your own movie;how do you see yourself? what your expectations of you are;because you see people will let you down,people and things do change,yes they do change.. ultimately no one is going to be a bigger contribution or fan to your success,your well being than you. A world of one is a lonely place,so this is not a suggestion to shut anyone out,just an understanding that never get caught up in your feelings because of your thoughts of,feelings of,or your expectations nor ill perceived opinions,perceptions,point of view of others. Every person has to find their own way. I’ve always believed that our roads have already been paved,but how we choose to walk them is up to us
Friday, February 23, 2018
My Faith, Unfaithful Why???
Tuesday, February 20, 2018
Zoning Out
We Fall..
For My Readers
I love serenity,and solitude doesn’t have to be a bad thing because it gives me time to think,perspective, the ability to see that the world is bigger than me,or me and you,staying true to my character now that’s a different story,but acceptance,now that’s to think about...
Saturday, February 17, 2018
Tuesday, February 13, 2018
Reminiscing And Recognition A Valentines Day Inspired Post
Sunday, February 11, 2018
The Forbidden Hole Yes Or No
Saturday, February 10, 2018
An Undefined Love
Friday, February 9, 2018
The Day Is Like You
I write this because I am sad,sad that you have to go,that things have to change,the way my eyes start to see,the way my heart starts to feel,the way my hands touch,my perspective,my perception,my ability to remain non bias through my emotional insecurities,have we become irrelevant? or is it just that I have,have it all become nonexistent, or is it the fact that you must go away in order to become a new,it seems such a shame to let you,no to see you go with so much promise of more to come,but maybe that’s just it,that within your departure lies the promise of more to come. Surely insignificant quarrels,pettiness,deceitfulness,evilness couldn’t have been your motivation behind your abrupt behavior;no,because you always come back;more beautiful,forgiving,motivational,inspirational,hopeful and promising than the day before,and if I’m blessed to,I look forward to seeing you tomorrow.
Wednesday, February 7, 2018
My Biggest Fear..
my biggest fear is that I’ll die without meaning,Never get to say all the things that I should have said,Never be fully understood,feel that indescribable feeling,give enough of myself to where it counts within,that there is nothing more to my life than this.. I don’t want to shit on the good things that I have been blessed to see and experience and all the wonderful people that I have come in contact with and lost along the way when I say this either.I’m sure that there are a lot of people that feel this way,whether they admit it or not. This is a round circle post, I’d love to hear from others so please feel free to share your opinions and thoughts. Also don’t forget to hit that follow link as well
Thursday, February 1, 2018
Uber, Uber Eats Plug
If you’re in need of some extra cash check out Uber;I drive and think it’s pretty cool,also you can if you prefer cash out your earnings that same day and it’s easy to sign up as well.I deliver with @Uber Uber Eats to make money on my own schedule & you can too. Use my link and you could qualify for $170 guaranteed: https://get.uber.com/p/eats-courier/?invite_code=nk8q18ajy
Saturday, January 27, 2018
Say What??????
Thoughts And Prayers
Lord,thank you for waking me up this morning,let today be positive,productive and prosperous,please give me serenity,and bless all those in need. writing to me requires some since of reality,honesty,personal experiences,not necessarily your personal experiences. It’s not easy ,but I’ve learned to push past the pain,the ill will towards me,the things of my past which were not so pleasant.I know that I’m not the best person,a great heart,but down right fkd up at times, but one of the hardest things is knowing who and what you are and actually to except that.When I start to get discouraged my go to is the sympathetic thoughts that there’s always someone who’s in a worst position than me. Thoughts And Prayers; go out to anyone that needs them. I also ask for your thoughts and prayers as I journey through my life issues as well. Thanks for reading and don’t forget to click that follow button and comment as well.