
Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Reminiscing And Recognition A Valentines Day Inspired Post

Up late night as I’m such an night owl,mostly laying back staring at the ceiling thinking,sometime reading or watching old movies. Yeah so,in my latest late night thoughts I’m thinking damn some shit is very weird,strange even; if I’d have to categorize myself it’d have to be non traditional,I’m not for subscribing to labels nor sticking to status quo but I’m getting off track so,anyhew something on my mind that I thought I’d share to whom ever will listen; I have a deep new found and profound luv for people,good people,but I love you mom we haven’t always been on the same page but I’m a mommas boy what can I say,to shonda thank you for all the hard work that you put into raising our children star who is not only intelligent but also inspirational as well and twan jr who will hopefully start to hear and find his way,and for being a good friend and confidant through out it all,hey pops,we’ve had our differences and difficulties along the way but now in a better place and I’m loving this. My grandma mary we’ve had our differences but there is much love admiration and respect there. Miss Hermine,Francis that’s what I knew,you have a permanent place in my heart as well as my bestie lem our friendship will stand the test of time my man. To my sister Lisa love you rest your soul,always in my thoughts my ace for life,Maine,James my nephews but more like brothers to me,my uncle John for being there,guidance,showing me the way when I needed that. Sir Charles or uncle Rudy don’t ever change we may not always agree but we’ve always connected. The love of my life which is my hearts little one nae,baby girl all I can say is that you’re tattooed on my soul,a piece of my heart belongs to you and in a different world all would be perfect,but unfortunately this one is all we’ve got. You know,unconditional is a special word,special is as special does,I have infinite respect for you ,admiration for you,but you already knew that right..because you put in the effort to deserve that kind of respect with no intro needed because you know who you are even if I don’t or choose not to;but right now I’m just doing a little Reminiscing And Recognition🙏

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