I'm just sitting here bored playing on my iPhone social media surfing,watching all these posts ,these videos and I have to say that it has become a major issue, a flood of goofy ass individuals thinking that because you have a smart phone it's time to upload a video of themselves sharing their philosophical gibberish,their sick sense of humor,violence,sexual innuendos etc. in hopes to get their likes,notoriety of whatever.Now don't get me wrong,some things tend to make a lot of sense,but there's way more ignorance and bs due to the ease of access and the desire to become the next viral sensation.Today everyone wants to be a damn video/internet sensation,a damn voice of the people.. I say this to only open eyes,not everyone is a leader but anyone can pull out a smart device and record some shit upload it and get views,so when you're liking shit you see online might be a good thing to not just go off the sediment that "oh that which was just said,done really appeals to me or sounds good so I'll like or share this. The internet is just that,the internet.. you can pretty much say/do anything and the ignorance of others will take it from there.

Informative yet entertaining blogging,speaking your mind,sharing your thoughts,becoming more self aware should be the goal,you know,mind,body and soul elevation.My blog is merely a way to give anyone that wants to listen a different perspective on things.Be sure to get on my followers list for future blog posts and also hit those subscription buttons and stay active for opportunities to win great prizes as well
Saturday, June 24, 2017
Sunday, June 18, 2017
It Was Always You..

Making A Difference
If I don't see any results to back the inspirational talk it's just taking. Sitting back thinking on wise words spoken,promises broken,claims then reclaiming,searching for yourself in another's life,dreams deferred,living dreams not reality,clouded between the truth and fallacy. Is it really that hard to stand behind your words? follow through with what you say?take time from preaching about things and actually practice them for a change? change the mentality of exile by difference? Everyone wants to be the voice of reason until it means actually reasoning with reality🤔 how does one lead by example?make a difference without being different?see things for what they really are without opening up their eyes,huh..