
Friday, May 15, 2015

The Power Of Perception

Perception is a funny thing,because the mind tends to believe whatever it wants either way. We,or at least I know I do,have the tendency to reiterate things that I want to believe or convince myself of as well as the people around me also,no matter whether something's true or not,as long as I believe it,and everyone else believes it it's reality to me.. I'm famous,everything and everybody is talking about me,everyone,or just a specific someone is out to hurt me (also,does creating a common enemy bring the most uncommon people together?) veryone wants or desires me,this person is this,this person is that, until that day that reality collides with what we have perceived as reality and now it's time to own up to the perception that we have built. Now,it seems easier to just have been honest with myself first of all,then everyone else into start with,does it not?

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